Dining room decorating ideas

Dining room decorating ideas

Typically, dining rooms are decorated in rich, deep colors - red, for instance, is said to stimulate the appetite - but this does tend to make them only suitable for night-time use. Some dining room decorating ideas turned tradition on its head: in keeping with the rest of this airy open-plan apartment, elegant dining room is fresh and light. Make dining room to link easily with the adjoining rooms when you are thinking of dining room decorating ideas. By taking this approach in decorating style, it means the space is more compatible to enjoy at any time of day. At night, along with subtle lighting and lots of candles, the mirrors add sparkle: glamour and light.

Dining room decorating ideas


Use in the dining room decorating style a mix of decanters, twisted glass, gunmetal porcelain plates and bone-handled cutlery sit beautifully with the green opaline grapefruit dishes which here are used as soup bowls.

Consider using a room for dual purposes – adapt a dining room to be a library as well. And try to incorporate it into the natural flow of the house so it can be used and enjoyed much more often.

Don't abandon expensive material in dining room home decorating ideas if you really love it: what you buy
instead will never really please you. Buy a small amount and use it as an accent - on cushions or a chair, for example.

Don't overlook the importance of good storage in dining room decorating style - without it you can't live comfortably.
